Madame Marie Skodowska Curie

1867 - 1934

Marie Curie, a physicist and chemist, and her husband Pierre are known for their work on radioactivity and radium. Following Antoine Becquerel's discovery of radioactivity, Marie began to study uranium. Together the Curies discovered polonium and radium and determined their atomic weights and properties. For their work on radioactivity, they shared with Becquerel the 1903 Nobel Prize in physics. Marie Curie became the first person to be awarded a second Nobel Prize when she received the 1911 prize for the discover of polonium and radium.

Madame Curie in Ypres Salient With One of Her Mobile X-Ray Units

During the Great War, Madame Curie made an exhausting effort to support the allied war effort. She designed and personally operated mobile x-ray units to support military hospitals near the front. These units took 1.25 million films during the war. She also trained physicians of the allied medical services in the early science of radiology.

Learn more about Madame Curie and other women who are connected to the First World War at these websites:

Madame Curie with Some American Army Students
